See, even our products are in costumes... disgused as friendly, useful items! Ah, the magic of clever marketing, and the disquising of little facts, such as contents. Clever aren't they!
The truth is, the majority of our cleaning and personal care products contain toxic chemicals.
I am also a creative person, humorous illustrator - aka: cartoonist and I just want to share with you what I have learned over the years. It all started 10 years ago when I was trying to find out how to help my son with his allergies. It then became a desire to get healthier for me, and my 3 kids, 5 cats and 3 dogs.
The EPA reported that these chemicals that found in our homes, are three times more likely to cause cancers than pollutants in the air.
Does this mean I have to

No...No...a thousand times...
No-o-o-o-o-o-o-o !!

But all kidding aside, think about it, if we're at a such a high risk... what about all the kids and what about all of our pets.
There are other options as I have learned about and have used. But there's so much to share, so I will share with you a little at a time so you won't get toxic overload...I just made a funny. Okay, Okay!! Corney funny... anyway.
So, in the meantime do your own little research check out the EPA website at:
it's a real eye opener... and
So until we meet next... be healthy, be happy.
PS: Check out my other site for fun tips, cool info and other neat stuff:
PPS: Here's my artsite if you wanna see what I do:
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